Milborne Port Primary School and The Beeches Pre-School

Building a Foundation for Life

Milborne Port, Somerset DT9 5EP

01963 250366

Welcome to Medlycott Class

(Year 1)

Teacher: Mrs Minney
Teaching Assistant: Mrs Bown


We have an open door policy so please do pop in and see me before school, or catch me at the end of the day if you have any questions which I may be able to answer quickly. Alternatively, email the office and your message will be passed on to me. 

To see our Medlycott Summer Term information letter, please click to view

To find out what we will be learning about this year, please click to view

To find out what we will be learning about in the Summer term, please click to view

Knowledge Organisers 

Open these links to find out what we are learning in our History, Geography and Science topics this term:

Key Information 


PE will take place on a Mondays and a Wednesdays. In line with school policy, children are  required to bring their PE kit to school and will change before their lesson. We would like PE kits to stay in school and they will be sent home at each holiday. If you would like your child’s PE to come home more frequently please remind them to collect it themselves.

Children cannot wear earrings during PE.  If your child cannot remove earrings themselves, please ensure that they do not wear them to school on Mondays & Wednesdays.  As with all school uniform, please label all of your child’s PE kit to ensure it's safe return to you.

In addition, please ensure children continue to keep a pair of wellies in school to accommodate any outdoor learning, play times or activities on the school field whatever the weather! 


The Read Write Inc. scheme continues in year 1 where reading and phonics is taught daily in the classroom. Reading with your child is the main way you can support their development. Therefore, we ask you to read at least three times a week (preferably daily) and record this in their Reading records. 

 Home Learning 

  • Your child is expected to read at least three times weekly with an adult at home. 
  • You will receive a list of the Year 1 spellings that your child has yet to learn at the beginning of the Summer term. Please help them to practice these words at home. We will also be re-enforcing these within our English lessons. 
  • Your child will also be given a precision teaching sheet (complete with instructions) to practise at home based on the phonic knowledge they need to have for their Phonic Screening Test in June 2024. If you would like further information about this test, please refer to the following website: 

Thank you for all your support.

Read Write Inc Phonic information (Click icon below)

Helpful websites to help your child's learning at home:

See below for memories of our Summer Term ...

Our serious Victorian Faces for our photo - Don't smile!
Our serious Victorian Faces for our photo - Don't smile!
Our smiling Victorian faces - only kidding!
Our smiling Victorian faces - only kidding!

Medlycott's Victorian Day Experience

We all experienced whizzing back in time and finding out what school life would have been like in 1884. The children enjoyed a range of activities which included making bread and churning their own butter. They also made paper kites and spinning tops as we explored the playtimes of long ago! Our visiting Victorian teacher was strict and taught us the '3 R's' and kept us fit and healthy in 'Drill' lessons. We had a go at sewing and writing on slates (not as easy as you think!) and ended with some playground fun using hoops & whips, marbles and skipping. 

See below for memories of our Spring Term ...

Easter Activities at St John's Church

We all enjoyed a wonderful visit to our local Church again, this time focusing on the meaning of Easter for many Christians. Thank you so much to Rev. Rona, Susan and all the lovely ladies for talking to us about this special Christian festival.

World Book Day 2024

On World Book Day this year, each person came in dressed up as a 'wonderful word'! 

Here are some of our costumes. Can you guess what words we came dressed as?

(A few clues: Harvester, Sporty, beautiful, Fearful, Brave, Inventor, Astronautical, Musical, Cosy, Sparkly, Pre-historic, Fantastic, Snuggly...)

Fun 'art' on the field in preparation for our Collagraphy  art ideas

We created some super pieces of ambient art in the build up to our art project, using line and shape to created our chosen weather symbols.

Visit to Gore Farm

Medlycott class had a wonderful, sunny trip to Gore Farm to find out more about animals in our Science learning. 

We met some friendly cows, gobbling turkeys and sweet little piglets. We got to stroke Lucy the Hen and George the Duck, and met the little ducklings who were only 4 hours old! We also had an amazing tractor-trailer trip to the woodland where we learned all about nature in the Spring.

Thank you to all the adults who joined us so that we could have such a fantastic time!

A huge thank you to Stuart and Tessa at Gore Farm for a fantastic day learning about the animals and all about the seasonal changes happening in Spring around the farm.

We had a wonderful day!

Investigating 'Animals' in our Science Learning 

We asked the question: 'Which habitat is preferred by Woodlice?'

We then used different habitats for our woodlice to explore, and after making our predictions, discovered that they preferred to live in dry, dark places.

We also became scientists, exploring the "faeces" of animals to find out what they ate to see if they were Carnivores, Omnivores or Herbivores. 

(Don't was just pretend!)

Medlycott 'INSPIRE' Morning

The children had a wonderful morning working alongside parents and carers to complete a range of 'Spring' based activities. We enjoyed many learning opportunities, including Mini maths investigations, poetry writing, decorating the beautiful felt Easter eggs the children had sewn and planting sunflower seeds and finding out about their life-cycle. We even created our own delicious butterfly biscuits - Yum!

Many thanks to all the parents, as well as our class governor, for such a marvellous turnout and for all your effort and enthusiasm!