Milborne Port Primary School and The Beeches Pre-School

Building a Foundation for Life

Milborne Port, Somerset DT9 5EP

01963 250366

Venn (Year 2)

Teachers: Mrs. Carr             Teaching Assistants: Mrs. Westwell


To find out what we will be learning about this year, please click here to download.

To find out what we learnt about in the Autumn term, please click here to download. 

To find out what we learnt about in the Spring term, please click here to download.

To find out what we will be learning about in the Summer term, please click here to download.

Knowledge Organisers

Open these links to find out what we will be learning about in Science and History in the Summer term:



Key Information 


PE will take place on a Monday and a Thursday. In line with school policy, children are  required to bring their PE kit to school and will change before their lesson. Mr Menage (PE coach) will teach the children on a Monday and I will teach them on a Thursday. We would like PE kits to stay in school and they will be sent home at each holiday. If you would like your child’s PE to come home more frequently please remind them to collect it themselves.

Children cannot wear earrings during PE.  If your child cannot remove earrings themselves, please ensure that they do not wear them to school on Mondays and Thursdays.  As with all school uniform, please label all of your child’s PE kit; it is very difficult to ensure your child will retain all of their clothing if it is not named.



The Read Write Inc. scheme continues in year 2 with the aim that children complete the scheme over the course of the year. If your child has completed the scheme, they will move on to the KS1 reading books. Reading with your child is the main way you can support their development. Therefore, we ask you to read at least three times a week, preferably five times and record this in their reading records. 


Home Learning 

Home learning will be set on a Friday to be returned by the following Wednesday. An English activity or a maths activity will be set alternately. Each week, there will be spelling games on Spelling Shed linked to words children are learning in spelling lessons or linked to sounds covered in phonics lessons.