Milborne Port Primary School and The Beeches Pre-School

Building a Foundation for Life

Milborne Port, Somerset DT9 5EP

01963 250366


 Charging and remittance policy V14.pdfDownload
 Freedom Of Information Publication Scheme.pdfDownload
 Letting Policy V14.pdfDownload
 MPPS Admissions Policy V8.pdfDownload
 MPPS Anti-bullying policy V5.pdfDownload
 MPPS Behaviour policy V10.pdfDownload
 MPPS Collective worship policy V5.pdfDownload
 MPPS Complaints policy V8.pdfDownload
 MPPS Data protection policy V3.pdfDownload
 MPPS Equality and Diversity Policy V4.pdfDownload
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Please contact the School Office if you require any of the above policies in an alternative language.

For school complaints please contact our Clerk to Governors Sara Stephenson on